from My Neighbor Totoro

Sixty*Sixty: Day Eleven

Milo Shields
2 min readSep 20, 2021


This series contains reflections and documents my progress of meditating for 60 minutes a day every day for 60 days.

Today was the first good day. I’m not sure if it was because I meditated in the evening (so I didn’t have a whole day of work to look forward to) or because of something I ate earlier (probably not, as I had cold pizza for lunch), but I really enjoyed it. I did it indoors this time, and turned off all the lights in the room, and enjoyed a sort-of blissful state for the entire duration.

While usually I’m anxious about getting a call or about my timer messing up, those thoughts barely crossed my mind this time around. Instead I was able to think about things without judgement, and it was effortless. I know this type of talk might come across as naïve, but that’s really how it was.

Now that I think about it, it could have been related to my mindset. An hour before, I was on the phone with my dad, talking about how I’ve been working on building this practice for a while now, and I explained that I could never really see coming how each meditation would go, and that’s just the way that things were. If anything, you might have expected mine to go bad — I had a day that wasn’t as productive as I had hoped, and I was filled with guilt about it, causing me to spend my time playing videogames instead of doing, well, good things.

I’ll try to keep my Beginner’s Mind going, but the fact of the matter is that at least subconsciously I might be comparing future meditations to this one — but hopefully as I become more and more comfortable with taking this time out of my day to just be, more and more days like this will come around.

